Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why You Should Stop Smoking

Many people these days are making the decision to quit 

smoking the traditional cigarettes, cigars, and pipes for a 

variety of reasons.

Wondering Why You Should Stop


  •  The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $5 per pack and in some states they are as high as $10 -$12. 

  •  Offensive odor on your hands, clothes and breath.

  •  Ashes, cigarette butts and risk of fire.

  •  Many public places have "no smoking zones." Some places are even putting a total smoking ban in place, the main reason for this is to protect the people of the health risks carried by smoking. 

  •  Lastly are health related reasons, some common known diseases directly related to smoking are lung cancer and emphysema. Cigarette labels warn of these health concerns. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

How Long Is Nicotine In Your System?

You may be wondering how long is Nicotine in your system? The answer is Nicotine stays in your system for about 14-21 days, however about 45 minutes after your last cigarette your brain will be nicotine free.  Some factors that determine how long nicotine stays in your system are how much you weigh, how physical you are as well as how much you smoked daily prior to quitting. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Nicotine Patch

Nicotine is a stimulate that people become addicted to when smoking. Nicotine itself is not that harmful, it's the tar, smoke and chemicals that are found in cigarette smoke that kills. A nicotine patch worn on the skin replaces the nicotine found in cigarettes when a smoker is trying to quit. The nicotine is absorbed within the bloodstream lessening the effects of withdrawal symptoms. A person wears these patches approximately 6-8 weeks while dropping down the dosage of a nicotine patch.

As always before starting a new regimen it is important to talk with you doctor about the possible side effects and which type is right for you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Smokers Breath

Smokers breath can be a problem for smokers and users of a smokeless tobacco. Nicorinse can help by protecting the oral health and blocking offensive odors at the source.  Established by a biochemist and dentist to eliminate tobacco residue that may possibly be harmful to the mouth. By decreasing the aftertaste and cravings nicorinse can be a valuable smoker alternative in helping to quit the habit.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Quit Smoking Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a series of needles inserted in the skin, first originating in China thousands of years ago. It was traditionally used for pain relief. Today quit smoking acupuncture reduces cravings for cigarettes. Acupuncture therapy also helps with things like depression and anxiety which often accompanies quitting smoking. Because acupuncture treatment uses natural techniques, people rarely suffer from any side effects.

The Ear Is An Acupuncture Point To Help Quit Smoking Acupuncture

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stop Smoking Cravings

Herbal tea made from chamomile and sipped on several times a day is an excellent way to stop smoking cravings. Chamomile is also an antidepressant. It helps smokers tolerate the withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking. They also make a stop smoking herbal tea, specially formulated to assist in quitting smoking. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Laser Therapy To Quit Smoking Reviews

One of the latest progressions in medical sciences is smoking cessation lasers. The therapy makes use of  lasers to treat the areas affected by nicotine cravings. Once this is controlled the desire to smoke will be reduced. Tremendous results are being seen with this smoker alternative.